This week we recognized Temperance & Good Citizenship Day which promotes civics education and peaceful citizen engagement. Oak Harbor High School's social studies courses include Civics, Modern Global Econ, US History and World History.
Our Levy Funds Critical Services for Students
On February 11, our community will be deciding whether to renew the Oak Harbor Public Schools levy, which helps fund important student programs and services that aren’t fully covered by the state.
The local levy provides funding for every school and includes:
School nurses, mental health counselors, and school safety enhancements
Special education, paraeducators, academic counselors, and smaller class sizes
Student programs like athletics, intramurals, visual and performing arts
Classroom technology, Chromebooks, and curriculum software
Oak Harbor High School Teacher Recounts Inspiring Journey to Antarctica
Oak Harbor High School science teacher Zac Sawhill recently returned from a trip to the edge of the earth, Antarctica, as part of the Grosvenor Teacher Fellowship through Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic.
“Antarctica is the most perspective-challenging place I have ever been,” said Sawhill. “Everywhere you look, nature defies expectations. Each day, I encountered something either too big or too small to imagine, and it was far more incredible than I could have ever known without seeing it in person.”
The expedition provided a wealth of experiences that will now enrich his teaching. With firsthand knowledge of marine organisms, the ocean, and Antarctica’s unique environmental conditions, Sawhill shared he is eager to bring these lessons to the classroom. “I return with stories to share, new lessons to develop, and incredible pictures to inspire my students,” he said.
District Parent Advisory Committee Tours CTE Programs
This week our District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC) members toured Oak Harbor High School to learn more about our Career Technical Education programs and the various graduation pathways offered to our students.
Did you know we offer more than 200 career pathway options to students? Approximately 74 percent of the Class of 2024 completed one of more career pathway. We are proud to offer these robust offerings for our students so they can reach their fullest potential!
Oak Harbor High School Earns AESD Accreditation
Congratulations to Oak Harbor High School for earning AESD Accreditation for 2024-2030!
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendent of Northwest Educational Service District (NWESD) 189, recognized OHHS at the January 13 school board meeting.
AESD Accreditation is a rigorous process that takes about a year to complete. It provides and external review and validation of the School Improvement Plan and serves as a statement of accountability to the public. The accreditation establishes that OHHS "has demonstrated an exceptional ongoing commitment to data-driven, student achievement-focused, research-based, and collaboratively developed school improvement planning and strategies."
For School Board Recognition Month we've asked our school board members share reflections of their student experience. Pictured is School Board Director Sharon Jensen
"I have always loved school because of the teachers I had," said Director Jensen. "Mr. Murphy was both my geometry teacher and my data processing teacher. He loved his job and his students and he inspired us. He was also full of sayings. The one that has stuck with me my entire life, and I still put into practice today is: 'If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?'”
Fire Department Welcomes Exceptional Academy Students
Students from Exceptional Academy visited the Oak Harbor Fire Department this week. They learned about fire safety, the role of firefighters, and the equipment used during emergencies. Our local firefighters not only educate and protect our community but often volunteer with our schools.
Hillcrest Elementary kindergarteners and first graders are already flexing their coding and engineering muscles! They've been having a blast with the Code and Go Robot Mouse, designing intricate mazes, writing programs, and then carefully inputting those programs to send the mouse safely to the cheese.
These little ones are learning valuable problem-solving skills, developing critical thinking, and having a ton of fun while doing it! We're so proud of their creativity and perseverance.
Young learners at Olympic View Elementary are diving into the world of banking! Ms. Thacker's class started working on making their own wallets after exploring what money is and what it can do. Lessons include using ATMs and what happens with that money once it’s withdrawn, and using checkbooks and registers. There’s so much more to come, and the kids are really engaged in understanding their financial future.
Athletics Highlights
Congratulations Coach Hughes! Oak Harbor High School football coach Marcus Hughes has been named 2024 Coach of the Year for Washington State Football Coaches Association for District 1!
Congrats to our boys and girl wrestling teams as they were both champions of their respective tournaments this past weekend! The boys were the home teams champions of the Paul Reiman Tournament in Mt. Vernon while the girls were the champions of the Rock Island Rumble in Oak Harbor.
Thank you, Oak Harbor, for supporting athletic programs through our levy!
Feb. 4 | OHHS Passport to Your Future Event for Future OHHS Students & Families | 6 p.m.
Feb. 4 | Grade 4 Experience Music Project @ OHHS
Feb. 6 | OHI Band Concert | 6 p.m.
Feb. 13-14 | NO SCHOOL | Parent-Teacher Conferences
Feb. 17 | NO SCHOOL | President's Day
Connected & Protected: Digital Safety Forum for Families
In an effort to support families and students with safety online and digital literacy, Oak Harbor Public Schools in collaboration with the Anxious Generation will be hosting an in-person forum on March 26, 2025 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at Oak Harbor High School. The forum will cover a variety of topics and include a keynote and breakout sessions for families to ask questions and get more information to help them keep their kids safe online.